Do you have someone you can vent to? Do you keep your emotions inside, building up?
If you are like me, you have a lot of stressors going on. You have several irons in the fire. You have LOTS of emotions!!
Yes!! I’m talking to YOU!! How do you handle your stressors? How do you cope with the emotions?
Do you have someone you can vent to? If you are a single mom or a mom that is single because dad is away often, finding someone to confide in is sooo important!!
If you are a Special Needs Mom, married or single, it is more important to connect with other moms that understand what you are going through!
I have a group of friends that “get it”? While some don’t know exactly what I’m going through, they know! They understand!
I have five resources for building a community for yourself!
Join a Special Needs Bible Study!! This is a great way to get into God’s Word and support each other at the same time. You can pray for and encourage one another, building a bond! I know of a Bible Study in the KC area (Overland Park, KS) that is going on on Tues nights! More info about Grace Church in Overland Park is Here
Join a Special Needs Support Group!! - This can be Christian based at a church or on your own. Some churches support the SN Community and they will have a support group in place. The church I attend has a SN support group that meets the 3rd Sunday of the month!! They also have a respite night for parents of SN Kids and the siblings as well! Check out Abundant Life Here!!!
Have lunch / connect with a friend on a regular basis!! I love this!! I love to fellowship with other moms. Have coffee, breakfast or lunch. Heck - Who are we kidding!! FOOD!!! Check out the Smoothie Recipe at the bottom!! Set up a once a month, once a week time. You can also meet over Zoom, which in some respects may be easier for a mom to connect!! I'm also in a group that meets to play Bunco!!
Start a Group - If you are not sure if there is a resource available in your area, check out churches. Start a group, meet in your home or a neutral place. Definitely look to connect with other moms/ parents. Check out this book you can do a study with or connect with other moms!! It's a book about a Mom's Journey learning her child has Special Needs!!

What do you do for Self-Care? What does Self-Care look like for you? As a busy mom and you don’t feel you have a moment to yourself but WHEN.... you can sneak in a Pocket of Peace...What do you do??
I know some moms have Littles and finding that time for self-care is one in a million. Even taking a five minute break to use the restroom or take a shower is stretching it. I understand how having little ones and self-care in the same sentence is hard to come by. My kids are close in age, between the oldest and the youngest there is 3 years difference. Now they are teenagers! Wow!!
I’m going to share with you some ideas to get a little bit of Self-Care in. Some of what I’m going to share is Time in the Word, Hobbies- Gardening, Finding an Oasis and sooo much more!! As to not overload, I’ll spread them out!!
Time in the Word / Quiet Time - I feel doing quiet time helps me with my day! It sets the tone, or gives me the strength and Courage to take on the day. Honestly I have just started being more consistent with my quiet time.
There are so many ways to get quiet time with the Lord in. There are little devotional guides that have a story, a bible verse and a prayer. I sometimes join a Bible Study. I pick one while the kids are at school. A Bible study can be between you and a friend or friends, find a church that does bible studies. Some offer child care for those with Littles!
What I have been doing lately for my Bible time is called S.O.A.P or SOAPing! Have you heard of this? S.O.A.P. stands for Scripture, Observation, Application and Prayer.
Get you a spiral notebook or a journal book. You can go through the Bible in a year (in order) or jump around. I personally jump around. I like to write down the verses my pastor mentions and journal (or SOAP) those. Or favorite verses. Or open the Bible and pick a verse!
Write your verse address ( ex. Philippians 4:13 ) and I date it.
Next write out the Scripture “I can do all things through Christ who Strengthens me!”
Then write out your Observation - no right or wrong! What do you think it means
Finally write out your prayer - If you are new to prayer, just speak to God as a friend. Talk to Him like your best friend.
Comment below how you do a quiet time or if you have any questions!! Join other mamas who are also looking for Pockets of Peace HERE!