As I sit here waiting for my next Uber Eats assignment, I have time to sit in the quiet. I pray and ponder my next steps of the day. Also the next steps of life.
This morning, and last night, I had yet another argument with my son. We seem to have some good moments that last for a few weeks, then we seem to be so upheavaled and out of sorts, I don't know how to act or what to say. Will what I say set him off?
I'm a Certified Life Coach and a Parent Mentor. I sometimes feel, how can I help these other moms when my own family is so chaotic. How can I offer support when I feel I need it myself??
Do you ever feel that way? Do you ever feel like you are inadequate?
I have to remind myself, I am not perfect. I will have trials as well as victories. I am good enough to help others. I can reach back, even if I'm a step or two ahead!
I have to remember, I have been through so much. Because of that, I am able to teach and coach others through their trials, and rejoice in their victories!! I can come along the mom who needs encouragement and support!!
YOU are enough!! YOU have what it takes!! YOU are YOU!!
If we stand still, we are not moving forward. If we don't take a step out in faith, we cannot grow.
If we are not growing, we are stuck!!
We can choose to GROW! We can choose to STEP in Faith!! We can MOVE Forward!!
We will have moments of trials, but What we learn from those moments is how we GROW!!
When we learn to PIVOT is how we can Move!!
You are an Amazing MOM!
I encourage YOU to Look up! Say a Prayer and Step out in Faith!!
I encourage YOU to DREAM!!