Take Action Every Day

Take Action Every Day
Life can get crazy. 

Especially when you start adding goals to your life and taking action toward achieving them. 

But here’s one thing I know to be true: simply planning your daily tasks and taking action toward your OolaLife is often what will calm the craziness and make you feel more in control. It’s like a pattern interrupt. You’re taking charge of your future.

But don’t just stop with researching and planning. Now’s the time to ensure you do what’s necessary to go the remaining distance.

 Start taking action today.

Grab a 3x5 card and write down three things that will get you closer to one of your major goals. That little card is one of the most powerful and life-changing tools available to you. 

When I first read the book Oola: Finding Balance in an Unbalanced World for Women by authors Dr. Dave Braun and Dr. Troy Amdahl, I realized the power of this daily “3x5 Card Strategy” for getting things done and achieving goals that will change your life.

What would YOUR daily 3x5 card look like?

If you find it’s filled with tasks, errands and calls that don’t really move you closer to your biggest life goals, it’s time to reassess your priorities.

Only by prioritizing can you free up time and energy to be in serious action on goals that matter.
As a Certified Oola Life Coach, I help clients create a list of goals, then prioritize their tasks and—most importantly—stay accountable to accomplishing them week by week. In fact, I’ve joined forces with Dave and Troy to bring my followers the Oola formula via a Transform coaching experience designed to transform your life, your finances, your relationships and more. Message me and we can jump on a call about it.

The Campaign Begins

The Campaign Begins
You get what you focus on. You’ve heard that advice, right? 

It reminds us that, to begin living the life we really want, we have to start doing those things that will get us there. 
If you’ve been following my posts, you know I’m big into getting what you want in all 7 major life areas. It’s something I learned from Dr. Dave Braun and Dr. Troy Amdahl—The OolaGuys—who teach how to create balance in our unbalanced world.

Now, as a Certified Oola Life Coach, I help clients determine what’s not working for them in the areas of fitness, finance, family, field (career), faith, friends and fun – then correct those stressors and bring about the lifestyle, relationships and financial security they need to be happy, balanced and growing.

So what could the OolaLife look like for you? 

For the next few weeks, I’m challenging you to decide, then focus on getting this life you really want.

Let’s Get Started: Decide What You Want
Have you ever thought about the lifestyle, activities, wealth, longevity, family relationships and other parts of a fantastic life that YOU want?
If you haven’t, that’s the first place to start. Why? Because in order to get what you want, you have to KNOW what you want. If you’re going to focus your time and energy, it’s got to be awesome and a major life improvement for you. 
For instance, do you want to . . .
Fitness: Be date-night ready with tons of energy?
Finance: Eliminate all debt and have money to spare?
Family: Have a rockin’ good marriage + amazing kids, too? 
Field: Find a dream job or start a business you love?
Faith: Start an exciting new faith-based project?
Friends: Find new friends and mentors who believe in you?
Fun: Crush those bucket-list adventures you’ve dreamed of?  

Whatever inspires you, why not share it below? (But hey, don't reveal super-personal details!)
For myself, the hamster wheel of living paycheck to paycheck and a health wake up call inspired me!!
To help you achieve your own OolaLife, I’ve joined forces with Dave and Troy – The OolaGuys – to privately coach you and support you via a unique 10-week program designed to transform your life, your finances, your relationships and more. Message me and we can jump on a call about it.

The Campaign Begins

The Campaign Begins
Why does life seem so overwhelming? We set goals and have good intentions, but there never seems to be enough time, money or energy for achieving life’s biggest goals. 

Instead of making progress, our lives seem even more out of balance.
Well, for the next few weeks, I’d like to help you overcome the overwhelm and work on achieving balance in every major life category. 

How will we do that? 
Using a strategy I learned from Dr. Dave Braun and Dr. Troy Amdahl, authors of the bestselling book, Oola: Find Balance in an Unbalanced World: identify where you’re out of balance, then jot down three tasks a day that will move you toward balance in that area of your life.
Here’s an example:
If your finances are a mess and credit card debt is causing you extra stress, your to-do list might look like this:
1. Make a list of all debts in order of total amount due
2. Make an extra payment (today) on the smallest debt while still making minimum payments on the others
3. Investigate ways to make extra money to pay off all debt

You CAN overcome the overwhelm. To start, identify your biggest stressor in each of “The 7 F’s of Oola” (below). Write down your list in a journal or on your smartphone, so you can refer back to it. Are you out of balance in:
Fitness: Excess weight? Poor nutrition? Little exercise?
Finance: Crushing debt? No retirement plan? Too many bills?
Family: Need boundaries? Marriage on life support? 
Field: Career stress? No free time? Low pay or benefits?
Faith: No real relationship with God? Need a daily practice?
Friends: Toxic friends that bring you down? Need mentors?
Fun: No time for fun? Waiting until you’re older or retired?  

Whatever is stressing you, let’s work together to completely transform your life into one that’s balanced, happy and growing. I’ve joined forces with Dave and Troy to bring my followers the Oola formula via a 10-week coaching experience designed to transform your life, your finances, your relationships and more. Message me and we can jump on a call about it.

Then stay tuned for the next few weeks for even more ways to bringing balance to your life . . . Oola style.

Daily Habits + Your One Thing

Daily Habits + Your One Thing
Did you see my last post about choosing one breakthrough goal in 2021 – a goal that would uplevel every area of your life?
(If you did choose a goal, and you can reveal it publicly, drop it into the comment section and share it!)

Sometimes big goals, like your OolaOne goal, seem scary and unattainable. So the Oola Guys – Dr. Dave Braun and Dr. Troy Amdahl, authors of the book Oola: Find Balance in an Unbalanced World – recommend a handy tool that helps you take small steps toward your goal every day: the humble 3x5 card.
Every morning, grab a 3x5 card and divide it in half (by drawing a vertical line down the center). List the things you need to accomplish for work on one half—and the things you need to accomplish at home on the other. Whatever is important today, write it down.

When you’re finished writing, your list may surprise you.
If you find your card is filled with tasks, errands and calls that don’t really move you closer to your biggest life goal, it’s time to reassess your priorities.
For example, if your goal is to be 100% debt-free, could you do one thing every day toward eliminating your debt?
 Instead of writing down “Order that necklace for Tanya’s birthday,” your 3x5 card might read: “List outstanding bills in a spreadsheet.” Instead of “Start new car shopping,” your card could read “Move $100 from checking account to auto loan.”
See what I mean? Once it’s written down, you can see what makes sense (or not), and write a different to-do list that gets you closer to your best life ever.
As a Certified Oola Life Coach, I help clients determine their OolaOne goal, then prioritize their daily tasks and—most importantly—stay accountable to accomplishing them week after week. In fact, I’ve joined forces with Dave and Troy to bring my followers the Oola formula via a 10-week coaching experience designed to transform your life, your finances, your relationships and more. 
Message me  and we can jump on a call about it.