Are you a mom? Do you have one child or multiple children? Do you have children with Special Needs?
I am a mom of three children. My children were born of the heart. I feel very blessed that God called me to care for these three children.
With the Joys of raising these children comes the valleys of tough times as well. We have had our share of tears, shouts of frustration and heartaches.
During our JOURNEY, we learned about the Autism Spectrum. We were introduced to Mental Illness. We had to journey through Rare Genetic Disorders and Seizures. Along with them come Behaviors and Meltdowns. Our home is often Chaotic.
Chaotic with a child, I feel like I walk on eggshells with. Chaos of, will we have a meltdown Explosion today!??
In this Chaos, I find Peace with my Savior, Jesus Christ. He is my ANCHOR in this Storm.
One of my favorite songs is Casting Crowns, “Praise You in This Storm!”
One day after having to admit my son once again to the psychiatric hospital, I was driving home. I was praying, crying out! I was frustrated, wanted help for my son. This song comes on the radio. It really spoke to me. My tears fell harder.
Praise God in the Storm! He sees you! He holds your tears!! He is with YOU!!
This Journey, This Storm, This Life is not easy! It definitely has its highs. It also has the lows.
Do you know Jesus? Do you have a ROCK to lean on your storm? If not, call out to Him. If you need guidance through this, reach out to me.
I’m not saying it will be all rainbows and butterflies, but ….
I know I can’t manage this Journey without Him.